what mom said / by jen geigley

I've talked about this before, but I am fortunate enough to be part of a fantastically cool mom's group. We do some of the normal mom-group things, like meet for coffee and schedule playdates. Many of our kids have grown up together since they were wee babies, so when they play we kind of let them do their own thing. Sometimes they put on elaborate talent shows. Sometimes they all end up in a closet with flashlights. (See above.) And while our kids are priority number one 99% of the time, we support each other in not completely giving up on our own lives and interests for the sake of being super-moms. We understand the importance of taking care of ourselves. And taking time for ourselves. We know we're better moms because of it. Us moms have become as close as sisters, and when our kids play, they watch out for each other. We're family. My 'mom friends' brought us dinner for three weeks straight after I had Bowen. We have had each others' backs through all kinds of family emergencies and major life events, good and bad. We take care of one another and it's a beautiful thing. We try not to take it for granted; we know what we have is quite special.  
This past week after dishing some particularly solid parenting advice, these girls started compiling a list of things their moms taught them. Things they hated at the time but were thankful for later. I've learned time and time again what a great resource these women are. I trust them; I trust their advice. And when we compile everyone's wisdom together, it's golden. Some of us looked at that list and said, 'Wow, I need to print this out and put it on my fridge.' So here it is. Click on it, download it, print it, cut it out.
This weekend, I'm celebrating the Moms. Sisters. Daughters. Friends. Celebrate yourself. Do whatever makes you happy, whether that means spending time with your kids or taking the day off with girlfriends for brunch, pedicures and margaritas. Word to the mommas.