38 weeks. Oh gosh. I am so ready now.
My bag is packed, a bag for the baby is packed and a bag for Lo is packed. Bo is on his own but I'm pretty confident he can throw a bag together pretty fast. If we have to go now, I'm ready now.
We finally have a name picked out, but I think we'll wait to share. I'm exhausted and wide awake and excited and anxious and more than ready to do this. I can barely bend over to put on my shoes. I'm down to about two pairs of maternity jeans that still fit. Yoga pants are awesome.
Three words: Sonic Cherry Limeade.
My stomach is pulled tight in every direction and I can feel the shape of his little body hanging out in there, ready to push his way out into the universe. I hope he likes his new home with us. We're ready to do this. Waiting patiently.