32 weeks / by jen geigley

32 weeks, and I've got a four-pound baby boy in there. But let's focus on big sis for a minute here. (Gosh, she's seriously the sweetest.)
Little Lo is my number one sidekick and we have spent almost every single second of her 4.5 years together. We are tight. She's definitely old enough to know what is going on with this new baby-to-be, and it's clear that she's noticing the changes and preparations we're making.
She's very excited to talk about all the fun things she'll get to do once the little dude arrives, but I'm careful to warn her that it's not all sunshine, cuteness and baby powder. That he'll also cry a lot, wake up at night a lot, spit up a lot and poop a lot. That we can't put him back. That I might not have as much one-on-one time to spread around at first. Gulp. We're obviously going to do our very best to make this special for her, too, and to include her in every way that we can. But naturally, I worry about what this new addition is going to do to this thing that she and I have, and it does make me a tiny bit sad. Because what we have is such a good thing. I don't want to break it.
But her deep-down sweetness is what assures me that everything will be okay. She's super nurturing, sensitive and wise beyond her years. She's already a natural caretaker. She's gentle and loving and I know she's going to be the best big sister ever. So I try not to worry. It's going to be good. So good.