shelter / by jen geigley

When I started knitting (and reading about knitting,) one of the first people I remember hearing about was Jared Flood/Brooklyn Tweed. I love so many of his knitwear designs, and his photography is pretty gorgeous, too. Plus, I think boy knitters are the best. Practically all of the knitting blogs I read are written by dudes. So, last fall I discovered that he had launched Shelter, his own Brooklyn Tweed wool yarn. I have no idea why I waited so long to order some, especially when you consider the number of times I've gone back to the website to look at the colorways just one more time to pick out my favorites. (I had hoped to pick some up in NYC when I was there last October, but that was the sad day PurlSoho was closed.)
Lucky for me, last Friday this neat little paper package arrived. With it's cleanly designed BT sticker and little square-with-rounded-corners 'thank-you for supporting American' textiles note. So yes, I may have geeked out a little bit over the packaging details because I love that stuff. Presentation really makes all the difference.
I had the hardest time picking colors but I went with Sap and Sweatshirt, to start off with. I must say, this yarn is so much cooler in person than on the web. I'm sort of infatuated with it. Now I just have to decide what I'm going to knit with these two. I think a Habitat would definitely make a lot of sense, or the Lotus Hat, or maybe a Windschief. I don't care if summer is on the way. Give me wool.