ace / by jen geigley

 So, about three months ago, I was standing around with my friends in NYC.
I was just looking through these photos again and found this little set of pics, taken from the dirty cab window on the way back to the airport.
I was sitting in the back seat with Jamaica, probably crying. And she was saying that my weird sunglasses made me look like Johnny Depp in Alice in Wonderland.
It was such a fun time.
I had finally met Kara the day before.
And experienced Law & Order slumber parties with Kristi.
And cupcakes and nighttime dinner-finding adventures with Vee.
It was some serious girl time. We navigated. Took way too many pics. Kristi held out her arms like a gate at street corners to protect us from getting hit by cars. We consumed coffee, had heart-to-hearts and noodles with butter. Those trips are so good for the soul. (I miss it and I think another one needs to happen soon. xx.)