on the sticks / by jen geigley

At the very beginning of winter, I lost my most favorite Burton warm winter hat. I was so mad. It was so good. A tiny bit too big so it always covered my ears. And I kept holding out, thinking I'd find it. And never did. So this knitter went hat-less through one of the most record-breaking, snowiest winters Iowa has ever seen.

So, over the weekend, I finally broke down and knitted a new hat.

A replacement hat.

(But it's okay. Because this one is even better than the other hat.)

It was instant gratification knitting. Two episodes of Weeds (season 5) and it was finished. The pattern I used is Really Warm Hat by Melissa LeBarre and I knit it with a skein of Twinkle soft chunky in haze, and ... wow. I love this yarn so much.

Now that it's done, I'm certain that one of two things will happen. 1) spring will finally come and it will be too warm to wear my new hat. 2) I'll find the other stupid hat that I lost in the first place. It might be buried under the snow in our yard. Because it's possible that I just took it off and left it outside that one time we were pulling Lo around in the sled ...