
Rowan Spring + Summer 2014 by jen geigley

Looking and thinking ahead to warmer times seems like a smart thing to do since we've been bombarded by sudden snowstorms and school closings due to sub-zero temperatures and even lower sub-zero windchills. So today I'm going to share some of Rowan's new Spring and Summer 2014 yarn and pattern books. Above is the gorgeous cover of Magazine 55 and a skein of Pure Linen in Kalahari. (I'm feeling better already.)

Let's start with the yarn! On the left are three balls of Rowan Silkystones, which is a combination of toussah silk and linen. In the center sits a ball of Truesilk, a chainette yarn made with 100% mulberry silk which is very light and interesting, with a bit of sheen. And on the right are two skeins of Pure Linen, made with 100% natural linen and perfect for light-weight knits. I'm really curious to see how the linen knits up.

And new pattern brochures! Lots of them. I could probably look at them all day. First up is Simple Shapes - Panama with a summary collection of shawls, sweaters and cropped cardigans knit with Rowan Panama. Next is the Mini Collection featuring eight Fine Art Aran designs by Kim Hargreaves and Martin Storey. And the third booklet is Simple Shapes Purelife Revive & Summerspun, eight relaxed designs using Purelife Revive and Summerpsun yarns.

And there's more! Shown here are the Truesilk Collection, 15 stunning designs ranging from accessory pieces (scarves and berets) to lace sleeveless cardigans and cabled cropped sweaters, all styled with a 50’s inspired theme. In the center is the Pure Linen Collection, a modern collection of relaxed sweaters and lace layering pieces, showing off the drape of the Pure Linen. And finally there's the Silkystones Collection, twelve textured, easy to wear knits with laid-back openwork. (This collection was photographed on the stunning Southwest coast of Spain!)

And there you have it. New yarns in new fantastically inspiring colors to get excited about! I'm still working on a bunch of winter knits but I'm seriously hoping these extremely cold winter days will be a thing of the past in the near future. Until then, I will pore over these new shade cards and start planning my next projects. I've got a lot of things in the works to share and an awesome giveaway from Knitter's Pride coming up, so check back soon.  ;)